On October the 31st we celebrated Haloween at school. Before this day, pupils from the 4th year of ESO helped teachers to prepare the horror tunnel. We shared the work and we were very happy to come to school on Tuesday afternoon to collaborate in the organization.
To start the day, all the pupils and teachers went to the assembly hall to watch a short play called "The Ana's Family", which incited students to spend Halloween day doing some activities.
After that, I gave the prizes to the winners of Jack o' lantern contest.
Then there were some workshops, pupils from the 6th year of Primary and the 1st year of ESO were in charge of them with the help of some teachers. All of them were super cool and frightening.
Students could also visit the horror tunnel, they had to pass through some different scenes like a classroom, a dining room, a bedroom and bathrooms, they were very well decorated and very scary.
It was an incredible experience for my classmates and me and we were pleased to share it with teachers and students.
Andrea Minguillón 4º ESO